Donya and Wallace, Leith Links, Edinburgh

“When I was choosing to buy a home, I wanted to be near green space – a large green space, and one that I could go out and enjoy, a bit like having a garden. In Edinburgh, lots of us don’t have gardens, or we’ve got shared gardens, which is nice, but it’s not the same as having a big space. I didn’t have Wallace at the time, but I always knew I wanted to get a dog – so it was always on my mind.

Now, we come down here multiple times a day. He’s quite lazy at home, but he likes the big openness of the park so he can run around. Even before I had Wallace, I would come out and sunbathe, or play sports out here – it’s a really big space and so diverse, and it’s very close to where we live.

I have, through Wallace, met human friends here too back in lockdown, when you could come to the park with a takeaway and sit outside with your friends but that was all you were allowed to do. We made some good friends that way – just speaking to others who were out with picnic blankets and enjoying the fresh air. Wallace is quite popular, he’s made some friends in the park. He’s a little bit overbearing because he’s still so young, but he’s made some pals.”

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