The progress report sets out on Scottish Government's plans to move Scotland still further towards achieving our Good Food Nation ambition.

The message that has come through from work across Scottish Government is that great things are already happening to contribute to the Good Food Nation agenda.

The document sets out a Programme of Measures that for the first time draws together the many different activities that are already taking place – or planned - and that are making a real difference to the lives of people in Scotland.

One such new measure is new support for community Grow Your Own opportunities in disadvantaged areas. Scottish Government will set up a Community Growing Fund of £80,000 for this purpose. The report states

"Scottish Ministers recognise the importance of encouraging Grow Your Own activities especially in disadvantaged areas, as a way to increase understanding of where our food comes from and of supporting healthy eating and exercise.

The intention is to provide new financial support for local authorities and community groups for the establishment of community growing facilities particularly in areas of social deprivation around Scotland. We will also provide practical support for people in such areas to use green space for food production,for example through the provision of tool banks"

Read the report here