The Thrive Outdoors team at Inspiring Scotland provide information on how to utilise greenspaces for outdoor play and learning with a range of resources offering innovative ways to do so. Here are a few of the videos, resources and links to the guides.

Videos promoting and supporting Outdoor Provision in ELC

Three films were made last January and COVID19 delayed their release - this is the film where the team asked children across Scotland what they think of their outdoor nursery.

You can also find out what parents think here and practitioners here 


An A3 size resource with examples, to support the design or development of high quality outdoor childcare provision – Links to Out to Play 

And a handy Flow chart to advise the different types of Outdoor ELC provision 

Practitioners Tuesday Tips to support more outdoor play and learning - the team has been releasing weekly tips on different aspects of ELC practice which are aimed at practitioners who would like to extend their Outdoor Practice

Outdoor games and activity ideas for families and ELC settings 

Find out more