The Improvement Service has published a collection of 15 datasets from the recent greenspace scotland Green Heat in Greenspaces (GHiGs) project via the new Spatial Hub Platform.

GHiGs investigated the suitability of many types of urban open space across Scotland for use as low carbon heat sources, heat storage sites and heat transmission corridors. We defined 'urban open space' as any green or blue space within proximity of a settlement with a population of 500 or more. As such it included spaces within many relatively small towns and villages. It focused primarily on the potential of greenspaces to host solutions using heat pump technology and district heat networks based on their physical characteristics and proximity of location in relation to heat demand.

More than half of Scotland’s local authorities worked with greenspace scotland and other public sector organisations on the GHiGs project, exploring how urban green and blue spaces can help to support a Scottish low carbon heat transition.  With the wider ambition of improving the evidence base to tackle our climate challenges, greenspace scotland and all core GHiGs partners agreed it was in the best interests of all Scotland’s public sector bodies to make the national output data openly available on the IS Spatial Hub.

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Free online webinar on Wednesday 1 September (10:00 - 11:30)

greenspace scotland, with their contractor Ramboll, are running a webinar to support public sector organisations and their contractors to make best use of the data outputs from the GHiGs project released in May 2021.  The event is supported by Scotland's Improvement Service and will be hosted on their online platform.

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