Parks and greenspace can be oases for nature and wildlife in the heart of our towns and cities, and play an important role in connecting natural habitats. There are a range of excellent online resources to help you make a home for nature in your local greenspace:

Froglife Scotland - wildlife ponds, amphibians and reptiles

Plantlife Scotland - wild flowers, plants and fungi

Butterfly Conservation Trust - butterflies and moths

British Dragonfly Society

Buglife Scotland - invertebrates and habitats

Scottish Wildlife Trust - how to help the wildlife on your doorstep

RSPB - give nature a home in your garden

NatureScot - Biodiversity for everyone including communities, teachers, land managers, businesses

NatureScot - pollinators resources

Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAPs) 
Most Local Authorities work in partnership with national environmental agencies and local biodiversity organisations to deliver local biodiversity action plans. Find out about what your LBAP Partnership is doing.

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