The Scottish Government has created a new online map to make data from the Register of Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land (SVDL) more accessible and usable. 

Any member of the public can use it and contact their local Planning Officer about possible use of the land. Planning Officer contact details appear in the register. As our cover photo shows, technically vacant land may subjectively or objectively have value in its current state as well as in alternative uses. 

The map was created in response to recommendations by the Scottish Land Commission (SLC) in 2020. It is stage one of a two stage project which will see the creation of a new SVDL Information Hub. 

The Hub will bring together in one place, the map and also relevant planning and regeneration policy, regeneration case studies, SVDLS statistics and contacts. 

The map is hosted on the 'Our Place' website and can be found with more information here

The map of Vacant and Derelict Land currently includes sites from the 2022 SVDLS statistics. It will be updated with the 2023 data later this summer.

The 2023 data, published in June 2024, can be found with explanatory notes here

The Scottish Land Commission have a set of resources about how vacant and derelict land can be transformed here.