The Peddling Pool - Freewheel North Youngsters in and around Glasgow are on a roll on a specially designed bike zone thanks to a grant from Tesco Bags of Help. Free Wheel North received £10,000 to develop their peddling pool specially for younger cyclists. The charity was founded in 2008, and its current base at the Glasgow Green cycling centre was set up in 2011. They use a 1km training track at the park which has been extended to create a new area of track just for wee ones wanting to learn to cycle. Their wide range of adapted bikes, trikes, go-karts and other pedal-powered machines help vulnerable and isolated people and those living with additional learning needs get access to biking - all with the aim of promoting a healthier, more active lifestyle. “The peddling pool provides a separate area set off for small children to get involved in bike riding. It creates a safe environment for them to build confidence and learn to bike with their parents or carers separate from the hustle and bustle of our main area. The Bags of Help funding has allowed us to develop the area even further.” - Norman Armstrong, Managing Director, Freewheel North They currently work with over 300 groups including: Scottish Autism, Deaf Blind Scotland, Glasgow special needs schools, obesity groups, home school groups and many more. The group’s facilities are also open to the general public and they have recently developed the White House cycling and walking hub next to the canal locks in Maryhill, North Glasgow. It serves as a starting place for Led Rides, as a place to meet and discuss ideas, and to organise various events. They have ambitious plans for the areas future development. Key facts Location: Glasgow Project type: Cycling Development Funding: £10,000 Grantee: Freewheel North Website: Tesco Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork working with greenspace scotland to support applicants and successful projects in Scotland. See all Tesco Bags of Help Case Studies Twitter via @tesco_scotland @greenspacescot and Facebook @scotbagsofhelp Manage Cookie Preferences