Why greenspace matters Greenspace delivers for... Economy Greenspace contributes to local economic development Contributing to the Scottish Government outcome: Research shows that quality greenspace can contribute to local economic development and inward investment; increase opportunities for social enterprise; and, support a healthy and productive workforce: well-planned development of public space in town centres can increase commercial trading by up to 40% by attracting more people and significantly increased private sector development when choosing a new business location, small businesses ranked green and open space as their top consideration a Canadian study of the redevelopment of brownfield sites found that greening ‘blighted’ neighbourhoods enhanced both their economic and social appeal an Edinburgh study found that every £1 invested in the city’s parks and greenspaces delivered £12 return in social and environmental benefits researchers in the USA found that access to plants and greenspaces provides a sense of rest and enables workers to be more productive Quality, usable greenspace and green infrastructure is embedded in Scottish Government policy and in the tools and approaches developed in recent years. The Place Standard includes ‘Natural Space’ as one of the 14 place elements. There are also greenspace in ‘Streets and Spaces’; ‘Social Interaction’; ‘Play and Recreation’ and ‘Moving Around’. The Town Centre Toolkit developed by Scottish Government and Scotland’s Towns Partnership highlights the importance of greenspaces and other green infrastructure in successful town centres. Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Manage Cookie Preferences