OS Greenspace Map

Use this free interactive digital map to find existing accessible greenspace - parks, public gardens, playing fields, sports areas, play spaces, allotments and community gardens - near you. 
Hint: you don't need to sign in or take 7 day free trial for greenspace layer, just type into 'search for location'


Explore parks information supplied by Edinburgh, Glasgow, Falkirk and Fife Councils, as well as many local community-led crowd funding projects from all across Scotland on MyParkScotland.

Your Local Council

Local Council managed parks may be listed on their website. Each Council's Food Growing Strategy may list current growing sites, as well as potential sites or the process to explore future community growing sites.

The bigger picture

Information on the extent and type of urban greenspace across all 32 Local Authorities can be found in The Third State Of Scotland's Greenspace Report

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