Visitors to this community garden, wetland and bird hide can now use an on-site toilet thanks to a £8,000 grant from Bags of Help. Aldouran Wetland Garden, 3 miles north west of Stranraer is run and managed by volunteers. They host visiting school groups, environmental groups and elderly groups, and were previously
dependent on the use of a public toilet a good walk away which was closed in winter months.

The volunteers visited other facilities with composting toilets before finalizing their project and are happy to chat to other community groups and share their learning. This includes the preparatory work of drawing up plans and complying with planning requirements. The toilet was professionally installed, with volunteers putting in man
hours to prepare the site, unload the flatpack building and treat floors and walls.

"Our adult volunteers, young Wetland Watchers club and visiting public are now able to visit the site without having to worry about calls of nature which previously necessitated a long walk with sometimes a locked door at the end of it! Our garden is now truly welcoming".
▬ Jane Sloan, Chair, Aldouran Wetland Garden

The Garden also received a Bags of Help grant of £1,794 to install a digital footfall counter. This has counted more than 4,000 visitors over the first 5 months since October 2017, all of whom come to enjoy the birdlife, red squirrels, all ability paths in the garden, wild wetland, woodland sculpture trail and access to the Woodland Trust Scotland’s Aldouran Glen Wood. 

Key Facts

  • Location: Leswalt, Stranraer DG9 0IJ
  • Project type: Services for people
  • Funding: £8,000
  • Grantee: Aldouran Wetland Garden
  • Facebook: @aldouranwetlandgarden

View printable pdf Aldouran Wetland Garden

See all Tesco Bags of Help Case Studies

Up to £2000 is available from Tesco Bags of Help to support a wide range of projects that benefit your local community. Tesco Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork working with greenspace scotland to support applicants and successful projects in Scotland. 
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