Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform (CNEP) is the world’s largest community of nature-based enterprises. The platform is open for all and there is no registration fee. The platform provides a range of knowledge sharing opportunities:

  • Connect buyers and sellers: Find experts to help deliver nature-based solutions, and allows nature based enterprises to register to secure new business
  • Find your tribe: network with like-minded, nature-positive pioneers
  • Stay up to dateaccess the latest knowledge, tools, reports and news

Nature Futures 2023 - Inaugural horizon scanning webinar

On 15 Mar at 1pm as part of the wider relaunch of the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform to its 2500+ members, the webinar will bring together 10 industry leading experts paired to lead 15 minute conversations about key trends and how how nature based enterprises can best position themselves to take advantage of those trends and the opportunities or challenges they bring. 

Session conversation pairings:- Regenerative Tourism & Health and Wellbeing | Green Buildings & Water Management | Ecosystem Restoration & Regenerative Agriculture | Regenerative Forestry & Smart Tech | Urban Landscapes & Community Engagement 

Register and find out more

greenspace scotland and Connecting Nature

Glasgow City Council and greenspace scotland were partners in the international Connecting Nature project, which was implemented and funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme. Through Connecting Nature, 10 European cities invested in large scale implementation of nature-based solutions, measuring the impact and sharing their experience on a global scale.

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform was established in 2020 as part this project.