News and events News Daily Dose of Greenspace roundup - week ten We are now at the end of week ten of lockdown so why not take some time and browse through the Daily Dose of Greenspace images. Click on the arrows on the image gallery to browse through the great range of images that have been published in the greenspace scotland Daily Dose of Greenspace images and videos. We are also delighted to share some of the Daily Dose of Greenspace posts other have shared... My #Dailydoseofgreenspace which includes the most socially deprived ward in Scotland and comes from the covid-19 "capital" of Scotland.But you know what behind the headlines @discinverclyde is beautiful part of the worldIn equity of access is everywhere. — Gillian Dick (@gilliannd) May 27, 2020 There are lots of local parks in the SE of Edinburgh to visit as part of your daily exercise #dailydoseofgreenspace. Here are a few examples # #burdiehouseburnvalleypark #ferniesidepark #moredunpark @EdinOutdoors @EdinLandscape — Edinburgh Greenspace (@greenspacetrust) May 26, 2020 View this post on Instagram #naturalcapitalcoastcityedinburgh #coastcityedinburgh #thisisedinburgh #edinburgh #cityofedinburgh #northedinburgh #discoveredinburgh #edinburghscotland #Edinburghshoreline #edinburghwaterfront #westernharbour #firthofforth #scottishcoast #scottishcoastline #CelebrateScotlandsNature #YCW2020 #yearofcoastsandwaters2020 #lothiancoastline #coastalnature #naturalcoast #naturalcapital #ecosystemservices #biodiversity #ecologyscotland #coastaldefence #resiliantcoastline #dailydoseofgreenspace A post shared by Natural Capital (@coast_city_edinburgh) on May 13, 2020 at 12:31am PDT Manage Cookie Preferences