News and events News Dundee Climate Action Plan launched Led by Dundee City Council and co-designed with public, private and community organisations, recognising that a concerted city-wide effort is required. The Plan includes four themes of Energy, Transport, Waste and Resilience. Sixty Four actions have been identified in the plan, including measures to: reduce the consumption of energy, promote energy efficiency and increase the proportion of power and heat from low and zero carbon technologies; encourage active travel through walking, cycling and public transport and deploy sustainable alternatives to decarbonise transport; manage waste sustainably by reducing, reusing, recycling and recovering waste to improve resource efficiency whilst working towards a circular economy; and ensure our communities, green networks and infrastructure are adaptable to a changing climate and reduce the risks and vulnerability to unavoidable impacts. The role of parks and greenspace has been recognised within the document as playing an important role in target of 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and then to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 or sooner. These include: Develop an interactive green map for Dundee to help visitors and residents identify sustainable options and information for travel, food, recreation and resource use. Produce an Open Space strategy based on collaboration and outcomes from workshops to include green infrastructure that helps Dundee’s nature to adapt to changes in climate and supports the delivery of Dundee’s green networks. Monitor and review the Urban Tree Policy to identify suitable areas for tree planting with climate appropriate species and with consideration of how planting interacts with surroundings e.g. air quality, active transport, biodiversity etc Develop a Local Food Growing Strategy and Support and encourage communities to establish growing projects in their own areas Read the Dundee Climate Action Plan Manage Cookie Preferences