Dunfermline Public Park Climate Change Park Central Dunfermline Community Council and The Park Improvement Group worked with greenspace scotland on the Dunfermline Public Park climate change park project. The aim of the project was to engage with the community living and working near the park to breathe new life into it. In addition, the Central Dunfermline Community Council and the Park Improvement Group wanted to create a park for the future; one that will be able to cope with the challenges climate change will bring about. Key recommendations in the report include: ensuring that Dunfermline Public Park is a destination in its own right making the most of the Park as an already a well-connected greenspace giving the park a higher profile locally ensuring that all sections of the community feel welcome and safe in the Park – make it a busy place where people come together. bringing young people into the park as positive users and future custodians. The report also outlines climate change issues to consider and incorporates these across the recommendations and ideas and actions for improvement of the park. A specific set of specific climate change actions - both mitigation and adaptation based – are summarised as part of the action plan. The Park Improvement Group are successfully taking forward a range of place improvement and climate change actions with partner organisations and the local community. 'The Public Park is really transformed since the consultation. It’s a good example of the [community placemaking] lighter, quicker, cheaper approach rather than having a traditional masterplan'Kevin O'Kane, Greenspace Officer, Fife Council Read the Dunfermline Public Park report Manage Cookie Preferences