Stalls will provide information  on Monday the 31st October at Glasgow Caledonian University campus to find out more about the Active Travel routes planned for Cowcaddens Road and Dobbie’s Loan.  The purpose of the consultation is to seek opinions on the Concept Plan being prepared for the streets and inform the design of Cowcaddens Road and Dobbie’s Loan.

Ironside Farrar Limited has been appointed by Glasgow City Council as the Lead Designer to progress the Avenues Plus project, a £21.4M multi-year Sustrans funded project under the Places for Everyone criteria. This project seeks to extends the Glasgow Avenues Programme beyond the city centre to link with peripheral communities, promoting active travel and increasing connectivity.

Find out more here

There are a variety of ways you can get involved:

 Visit our out-door mobile stall in the following locations on the 31st October:

  • 8.30 - 10am – On Cowcaddens Road, outside Buchannan Bus Station
  • 12 - 2pm – Around the Glasgow Caledonian University Campus grounds
  • 4 - 6pm – Cambridge Street junction of Cowcaddens Road

Visit our in-door stall in the foyer of the George Moore building, Glasgow Caledonian University between: 11am and 4pm

View the plans online and complete a questionnaire, that can be accessed via - the online questionnaire opens on 31st October.