News and events News Sustainably draining Glasgow! Glasgow City Council has announced that two City Deal projects, designed to better manage rainwater across Penilee and Cardonald, are due to start soon. These vital projects will reduce the impact of flooding to homes, businesses and transport links as well as improving greenspace and preventing pollution.They will be delivered through the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP), which is working to deliver schemes to 'Sustainably Drain Glasgow' - targeting areas across the city where rainfall adversely impacts communities.Jointly funded by Southside Housing Association, Central Scotland Green Network Trust and Scottish Natural Heritage's Green Infrastructure Fund, measures which mimic the way rainwater would be managed naturally will be soon be introduced at Queensland Court and Gardens in Cardonald as part of the project. Complemented by attractive planting schemes, these SuDS projects (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) will take the form of a series of raingardens, grassed channels and a shallow basin which will store and treat rainwater before it enters the existing drainage network. The environment will also be enhanced through landscaping, footpath construction, the creation of natural play areas and improved access and car parking.To help manage surface water before it enters the Lin Burn, SuDS measures will also be introduced in the Penilee area. Project benefits there will also include landscaping, footpath construction and the creation of natural play areas.In the next few weeks, a few poorer quality trees will be felled in the immediate project areas, however this will be compensated for in the coming months with a high quality landscape design and benefits to local biodiversity. For the Queensland Court and Gardens project a small community orchard will be planted for the benefit of local residents. Further information can be found here Both the UK and Scottish Governments are providing funding for the Glasgow City Region City Deal. Manage Cookie Preferences