The project was designed to explore green health prescribing in Lothian: raise its profile, understand barriers and enablers, share success  stories and identify what needs to be in place to embed it across the health and care system.

Our shared hope is that by supporting people who could most benefit to connect to nature, this will address some of the health inequalities which have been exacerbated by COVID-19, strengthen communities and result in more valued green (and blue) spaces. Working with a whole host of committed and experienced people we have developed an agreed approach to embed green health prescribing across Lothian, represented by the five golden threads. The results are presented in the briefing and detailed report that can be download below

Download the briefing: Green Health Prescribing Briefing

Download the full report: Green Health Prescribing Report

If you feel passionately about the benefits of nature and their potential in addressing health inequalities and are a resident in Lothian then join the Greenspace Network, or for more information, please email [email protected]