News and events News Have your say on East Dunbartonshire's draft food growing strategy East Dunbartonshire Council’s draft Food Growing Strategy outlines the benefits of engaging in food growing activities and their approach to delivering more opportunities for local communities. It also identifies potential sites for allotments and other food growing provision, as well as setting out the proposed activities to support community groups starting their own 'Grow Your Own' journey. Greenspace scotland are delighted to have worked with East Dunbartonshire Council to develop the draft strategy and look forward to seeing what happens next. This is where you come in – if you want to give your opinion they would like to invite you to get involved in the consultation by attending one of the drop-in sessions or by visiting the website where you can find all the relevant documents and online survey between 15 April and 9 June 2019. A series of initial engagement events raised awareness, gauged demand for food growing and identified the type of food growing preferred in each community area. The outcome of these consultations has helped inform the development and content of East Dunbartonshire’s draft Food Growing Strategy. The Draft Strategy and response form will also be available at Community Hubs and Libraries. The Council’s Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee approved the draft Strategy for consultation at their meeting on 31 January 2019. All comments received will be reviewed to inform the final Strategy, which is being developed in response to the statutory duties set out in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. Manage Cookie Preferences