MyLandScotland is a space where you can learn about the ways in which Scotland’s land is owned, used and managed and how it impacts your life and the lives of the people around you.

The way the land is owned, managed and used has a fundamental impact on how we live, and across the country there are countless examples of how individuals and organisations have changed the land around them to transform their communities. The website has lots of inspiring examples of community owned or run Gardens, Woodlands, Parks and Greenspaces.

It also includes info on bringing vacant and derelict spaces back to life.

The Scottish Land Commission works to create a Scotland where everybody can benefit from the ownership and use of the nation’s land and buildings.

Our website also has lots of helpful info and advice on how to make the most of your local greenspaces in the Your community greenspace section.

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And finally if you are looking for ideas on how to improve or activate and outdoor space take a look at our Better Outside Ideas Source Book.