A recent publication from SNH provides an overview of how nature can help address a range of socio-economic outcomes, including inclusive economic growth; addressing climate change; reducing health inequalities; building stronger communities; and empowering our young people. The climate emergency has reinforced our responsibility to focus on the practical measures we can take to support nature-based solutions.

Scotland’s nature comprises all our plants, animals and ecosystems, from urban parks, gardens, open spaces and countryside in and around our towns and cities to the more remote landscapes of our mountains, coasts and seas.

The publication highlights how nature contributes to many of the approaches Community Planning Partnerships are already adopting. It is aimed at everyone involved in Community Planning, including staff and elected members from partner public bodies, community leaders, members of voluntary organisations and interested members of the public.

Nature-based solutions are considered under the following headings: The Climate Emergency and loss of nature; Young people, learning and play; Stronger communities and sustainable places; Health and wellbeing and Inclusive economic growth.  Key messages and resources are provided under each heading.

As an example, under the ‘Stronger communities and sustainable places’ heading, the key messages are that:

  • Nature and landscapes help to create a sense of place and local identity for communities;
  • Local parks and greenspaces provide a focus for play and social interaction across generations, helping to build stronger communities;
  • More communities could be involved in the co-design and management of their local greenspaces.

Various relevant guidance documents and resources are then highlighted.

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