It is accepted that being in nature is good for both physical and mental health. 

Nature connection is about our relationship with nature – how we think about, feel about, and experience nature. 

The free handbook is designed for a broad audience, providing:

  • An accessible summary of nature connection research and application
  • Pathways for helping people improve their connection with nature
  • Examples of activities and initiatives that support and develop nature connection.

The Nature Connectedness Research Group was formed in 2013 and has produced the handbook to highlight ways to help people get closer to nature. 

As well as explaining the concept of nature connection and why it is important the handbook includes some insightful case studies alongside Resources. 

Download the Nature Connection Handbook

At greenspace scotland we’ve always talked about parks and greenspace as our natural health service, our children’s outdoor classrooms, our community and leisure centres without a roof. Now we need them more than ever.

Our Better Outside - using our spaces more resources help individuals, community groups and others think more about making use of outside spaces.