News and events News 30 by 30 and Nature Networks draft Frameworks now live The Scottish Government Scottish Biodiversity Strategy outlines the commitment to protect at least 30% of our land and sea for nature by 2030 (30x30 Target). The 2021 and 2022 Programme for Government committed to the deployment of Nature Networks. These two are key components in increasing ecological connectivity and restoration of nature more widely, helping to deliver the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy. Ahead of consultation, the two draft frameworks are now live on the NatureScot website: Framework for Nature Networks in Scotland Framework for 30 by 30 in Scotland In June, the Scottish Government provided Local Authorities with £5 million capital funding for Nature Networks. Local Authorities should use the Nature Networks Framework, along with the following supporting information in their allocation of this money; Interim Guidance for Local Authorities Support information for Nature Networks projects Alongside the frameworks, there is currently a CivTech challenge underway which is looking at how technology can help the roll out of Nature Networks across Scotland. The two draft Frameworks are a result of over 300 people from 135 organisations or groups from across Scotland engaging with the co-design process. NatureScot believe the two Frameworks address the challenges raised in the workshops, reflect the principles that co-creators felt were key, and provide a direction for effective and efficient delivery by 2030. As a fairly new approach, NatureScot want to collect lessons learnt to inform how future pieces of work are developed. If you were involved in the process, NatureScot are looking for your thoughts on what worked well and what could be improved to help inform future policy development processes via a short Feedback Form. Feedback Form Manage Cookie Preferences