The Scottish Parliament's Net Zero Energy and Transport Committee has called for adjustments to the Scottish biodiversity strategy towards "delivery-focus". The advice comes in a letter to Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater, after the Committee took evidence on the draft delivery plan. Scottish Government consultation on the draft delivery plan closed in mid December 2023.
The Committee recommends a greater focus on "who is to take the lead" on actions, and on outcomes, as well as deeper consultation with those directly affected.  
The advice also states that "ambitions set out in the Biodiversity Strategy and Delivery Plan will not be met if they do not broadly cohere with decisions taken in each annual budget round."

Further, it calls for Scottish Government to work on how it can use the whole of its budget resources as levers for biodiversity goals. 

Importantly for urban greenspace and communities, the advice highlights that stakeholders welcomed Scottish Government's clear indication "that extensive ecosystem recovery is the first priority of Scottish biodiversity policy" and "the role of nature networks in making biodiversity actions accessible to local people."  

 Other issues highlighted include a "plethora" of land-based public service management tools, and the need to bring these together strategically. 

The full advice can be found here