The study combined a range of different measurements - trees, greenness, and accessible greenspaces - into a single indicator and found that urban centre greenness, population size and relative deprivation are negatively associated. It suggests that health-promoting and biodiversity-supporting resources diminish as population and deprivation increase.

Disparities in green infrastructure across the country, along with the population and deprivation-associated trends, are important in terms of socioecological and equity justice. This study provides a baseline and stimulus to help local authorities and urban planners create and monitor equitable greening interventions in urban/city centres.

The authors state that ecologically conscious greening interventions in urban centres could play a vital role in supporting both human health (and reducing inequality of opportunity by reaching diverse populations) and biodiversity. The need to re-imagine and re-develop our urban/city centres due to digital shopping technologies and societal changes provides an important opportunity to explicitly consider the enhancement of urban centre biodiversity. 

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