Our parks make our lives better. Let’s help keep them this way.

We are delighted to launch the first pilot round of the Parks4Life Community Fund. Monday 10 June sees the launch of an exciting new funding scheme for park and greenspace groups delivered in partnership by greenspace scotland and MyParkScotland.

The Parks4Life Community Fund has been created through the donations and support to work towards creating the first £1m Parks4Life Endowment fund for parks and greenspaces.

The primary goal of the Parks4Life Community Fund is to support community groups to deliver on their aim in bringing their parks to life and make the best of our parks for everyone to enjoy now and in the future.

Grants of up between £500 and £1,500 are available to community and Friends groups who work to improve, promote and develop a park or greenspace across Scotland. Funding could be used to help your group put on or expand an event to attract visitors to the park, skills training for your volunteers or something more practical such as a small planting scheme. 

Apply to the Parks4Life Community Fund

The Parks4Life Community Fund is open to any constituted community or Friends group, in Scotland, who are working to improve and bring life to their parks and greenspaces. All applying groups should have their own bank account. If you are not sure if your group can apply please contact us at [email protected].

For more information download the Parks4Life Community Fund Information Pack and take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions.

Applications we prioritise...

  • Applications intending to “activate your park” through events such as a gala day or focussed park clean that will bring people to your park or greenspace.
  • Promote the work or community and friends group and the role of the park or greenspace.
  • Purchase of tools and materials that will help your group
  • Applications from groups across Scotland and in particular groups where their park or greenspace is in an area that scores highly on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD), particularly those in the 20% of most deprived areas.

We are aiming to...

  • Fund groups from across Scotland
  • Fund a range type of projects to showcase the variety of work undertaken by groups
  • Provide funds to established and new groups that support parks and greenspaces
  • Bring attention to the great work that community and Friends groups do to enhance parks and greenspaces

What we are unable to fund...

  • Project costs or activities that have already occurred.
  • Any project taking place on a park or greenspace that does not have open access.
  • Cover the cost of any paid staff time
  • Soley reprinting promotional material

The Parks4Life Community Fund will opened for applications on Monday 10 June. Applications will be assessed, and funding allocated every 2 weeks and the scheme will close once all funds have allocated or on Friday 30 August.

In this pilot round of the Parks4Life Community Fund there is a limited amount of funding available so therefore encourage to submit their application as soon as possible. If you would like to talk to someone about your application, please contact [email protected].

The Parks4Life Community Fund will offer grants annually and groups can only apply for one grant in each financial year.

How to Apply

Our intention is make the application process as simple as possible. The application form should if possible be filled in online by clicking here – please note there is not the option to save and return to the application form so please have the relevant information gathered when you start to complete the form. 

For more information please download the Parks4Live Community Fund Information Pack

If you would like to see the application questions prior to completing you can download the Application Form (PDF)

As part of the application process if your project is carrying out any work or running an event we will ask for confirmation that the group has permission from the land owner for this to take place.

If you want to include any additional documents (up to 5 photos and/or 500 words) such as images or publicity materials in support of your application please send to [email protected] with the name of your project as the email subject.

If you have any questions about the application form please contact [email protected].

Apply to the Parks4Life Community Fund

Parks4Life Endowment

The Parks4Life Community Fund has been created through the donations and support to work towards creating the first £1m endowment fund for parks and greenspaces.

Scotland’s Parks4Life Fund is a partnership project between MyParkScotland and greenspace scotland, with all funds securely invested by MyParkScotland using an ethical investment approach in conjunction with CCLA Investment Management.

Parks4Life is Scotland’s first ever fund for parks and greenspaces. Managed by greenspace scotland, it aims to raise £1million to help support Scotland’s parks. The ambition is to create an endowment fund that will enable communities to bring local parks to life.

greenspace scotland - works to ensure that blue-green infrastructure is future-proofing our towns and cities, and everyone in Scotland can access and enjoy quality greenspaces which meet their needs and improves their quality of life

MyParkScotland - Scotland’s only crowdfunding site specifically for parks and greenspaces. And the great thing about MyParkScotland is that you’re able to Gift Aid your donation and this ‘extra funding’ will go towards building an endowment fund for Scotland parks – helping to safeguard our national treasures for future

Supporting the Parks4Life Endowment

Regular Donations 

By offering a regular donation you can help support Scotland’s parks all year long. Regular donations are steady resources we know we can count on. Your regular support will help us create funds that communities across Scotland can access for parks projects.  

Select the amount you would like to donate below and tick the Regular Donation Box. You can then decide if you want to support Parks4Life with a monthly, quarterly or annual donation 

One off Donations 

One off donations are a crucial part of reaching our £1million target. We appreciate all contributions and even small donations can make a big difference. If everyone in Scotland donated a pound every time they visited a park, we would raise £162million! 

Pick the amount you want to donate from the list below or choose to donate a different amount. 

Donate to Parks4Life