News and events News RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2020 results are in RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2020 shows that this year’s top ten for the UK is little changed from 2019, with the top three birds unchanged from last year. Once again, top spot is taken by the house sparrow followed by the Starling and Blue tit. While house sparrows and starlings may be the UK’s most commonly sighted birds, a closer look at Big Garden Birdwatch data shows that numbers have in fact dropped dramatically since the Birdwatch began in 1979. House sparrows are down 53%, while starlings are down 80%. It’s a pattern echoed by two more garden favourites, with blackbirds and robins down 46% and 32% respectively. The reasons behind these declines are complex and continue to be investigated, but fewer greenspaces, pollution and a changing climate are just some of the challenges faced by garden birds. During the COVID-19 outbreak you can continue keeping an eye out for birds and wildlife in your garden or on your walk in local greenspace. If you spot wildlife and don’t know what it is, the Woodlands Trust and the RSPB have handy bird and other garden wildlife identifiers. Here are some other great activities and ideas that you can do to keep you connected to greenspaces, parks and nature and each other while social distancing or isolating during this difficult period. Manage Cookie Preferences