Scotland’s on a Roll with Scottish Natural Heritage SNH have launched a new animation, called 'Scotland's on a roll', which shares some of the good news about the growing proportion of people in Scotland now visiting the outdoors on a regular basis. It has been created to communicate key research findings and messages about how people in Scotland use, value and enjoy the natural environment and how they benefit from contact with nature. The Scottish Household Survey, published in September, highlighted that more Scots are visiting the outdoors at least once a week. The animation shows how quality greenspace on our doorstep is helping people get active and enjoy the outdoors. However, the Scottish Household Survey also highlighted that people in more deprived areas are still less likely to visit the outdoors and are less likely to have greenspace within a 5-minute walk. SNH hope the animation will encourage professionals working in environment, health, transport, active travel, economy, planning, placemaking, education, inequalities and community planning to think more about what they could do to help more people outdoors more often, spreading the benefits as widely as possible. View the animation here: Read more about the results of Scottish Household Survey and what it means for greenspace here: Manage Cookie Preferences