Updated Scottish Government guidance on COVID-19 and community growing The guidance applies to outdoor community food-growing sites. This includes all forms of community food-growing sites such as community gardens and allotment sites, including communal growing areas of allotment sites. The guidance applies to all visitors, users and volunteers of community food-growing sites. From Monday 26 April 2021 all of Scotland moved to Level 3, which allows travel outwith your local authority area. The change means that, in Level 3 areas, groups of up to 6 from up to 6 households can now meet outdoors The recent guidance on how to calculate maximum number of people who can physically distance in public buildings is set out in the Coronavirus (COVID-19): calculating physical distancing capacity in public settings. In the context of allotments and community food growing, public buildings would include shared buildings such as polytunnels and greenhouses. Local authorities and others with responsibility for community food-growing sites may have these sites open, subject to compliance with the SG guidance, and can provide specific advice and information as to what measures have been put in place to stop the spread of the virus. Please contact whoever is responsible for the community food-growing site for information regarding what activities can take place on the site and what restrictions may be place. Read the full guidance here Manage Cookie Preferences