Skills and career pathways for greenspace - a new initiative by Borders College and SRUC will make skills, learning and career pathways easier to find and follow on topics relevant to a wide range of greenspace and workforce needs.

The collaboration covers skills pathways for learners and those in work from Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework levels 4 (school / National Certificate level equivalent) up to and beyond Level 8 (Higher National Diploma / conventional level 2 in a degree programme). It includes workplace/ vocational qualifications and modern apprenticeships, flexible short courses and practical-based opportunities. 

There are 4 'pathways', or bundles of various learning and qualifications opportunities. Although designated as rural skills many are relevant to greenspace in urban settings. The pathways include (2) horticulture and landscaping, (3) conservation, forestry and gamekeeping and (4) agriculture.

More details and a brochure of the pathways/ learning opportunities included are at  

The initiative is funded by the Scottish Funding Council for Further and Higher Education.

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