Tesco Community Grants becomes Stronger Starts Thousands of school children across the UK will benefit from a new grant programme which will provide £5 million in grants to help give them a healthier, more active, stronger start in life. In the first year over 1000 Scottish schools, organisations and charities will be awarded funding to get pupils the nutritious food they need throughout the school day and resources to keep them physically active with new sports and play equipment or outdoor activities. Stronger Starts is ready for you to apply. Apply Now Stronger Starts replaces Tesco Community Grants. Applications already made to Tesco Community Grants will still be eligible and assessed for the Stronger Starts fund. There is no need to make a new application if you have recently applied. Tesco Stronger Starts grants are administered by Groundwork who continue to work with our Community Enabler team at greenspace scotland to support applicants and successful projects in Scotland. Schools, organisations and charities can apply via Groundwork for a grant of up to £1,500 that can go towards activities that focus on providing healthy food and activities that boost young people’s mental and physical wellbeing – such as fruit for breakfast clubs or snacks to enjoy throughout the day and activities or equipment for outdoor and indoor fun. Successful applications will go to a customer vote in their local Tesco store. Two out of the three blue token voting boxes by the checkout will be dedicated to local schools with the third given over to local community projects nominated by each store’s colleagues. Customers can then choose which of the three projects they’d like to support by voting with a blue token. Every 3 months, £261,000 will be shared by 261 projects across 87 regions in Scotland. Since the Tesco Community Grants programme launched in 2015 it has awarded over £100 million in funding to more than 50,000 community projects across the UK. In Scotland, over £14million has gone to about 8,000 projects. Manage Cookie Preferences