News and events News The London Plan to introduce Urban Greening Factor The London Plan, which was signed off at the end of January calls for boroughs to implement urban greening practices. Inspiration for this has come from work undertaken in Malmö, Sweden. At the turn of the millennium, the entire Western Harbour, a 20-minute walk from Malmö’s centre, was little more than 70 hectares (175 acres) of contaminated soil and deserted docklands, following the dramatic decline of the city’s shipbuilding industry. Built as a model community for a housing exposition, which heralded it as the “sustainable city of tomorrow”. From the outset, each of Bo01’s apartment blocks had to meet a green space factor (GSF), according to a city policy that demanded every development set aside a share of its footprint as green space and initially gave out biodiversity-focused bonus points for anything from tall fruiting trees and potted plants on the roadside, to tiny birdhouses and frog-filled ponds Find out more Manage Cookie Preferences