News and events News Transforming vacant and derelict land In late 2018, the Vacant & Derelict Land Taskforce was established between the Scottish Land Commission and SEPA, bringing together senior representatives from around 30 businesses, public bodies, and third sector organisations, who spent two years working to transform the existing approach to bringing vacant and derelict land back into productive use. Their report made a series of recommendations which aims to transform Scotland’s approach to tackling the legacy of vacant and derelict land. The investment will help to meet climate change targets and promote the health, wellbeing, and resilience of communities. It follows the recommendations from the Vacant and Derelict Land Taskforce and supports a fair, green recovery, as set out earlier this week in the Scottish Government’s Climate Change Plan update. Sites that will benefit from the funding will offer opportunities for reuse that help tackle climate change, such as: low carbon, quality, affordable housing; woodland and other greenspaces; low carbon commercial and industrial developments; flood prevention measures; district heating and other community renewables projects. Find out more Manage Cookie Preferences