After receiving £12,000 from Bags of Help for an outdoor classroom, Ullapool Primary Parent Council programmed a series of environmental education workshops exploring issues and researching solutions with Bags of Help funding.

Kids Clearing Up Ullapool tackled the increasing plastic pollution in the village by looking at litter and the problems it can cause for birds and sea creatures. Led by with Julia Barton, (Littoral Project), and Ruaraidh Milne, each class collected litter on a footpath near the school or in an area in the school grounds and counted what they found. 

They were all shocked at how many sweet wrappers, crisp packets, and bottles they found and how much was plastic!

Happy and Sad litter bins were installed in the playground to keep their environment clean and tidy.

"The school is really different now. The new bins are great too - people are dropping much less litter now and they understand better why it is important to recycle.  Julia has been working with us a lot and she is friendly and helpful and knows about what happens to the sea when it gets full of plastic. Everyone should have Julia come to their school."

                          - Maia 9

"The big new outdoor classroom has made it much easier for the teachers to take us outside and we have had lots of really interesting sessions about how to understand the environment better and protect it. I hope we do more of this stuff at the High School."

                        -Caitlin 12

A pupil eco-committee was formed and members attended the Scottish Parliament to celebrate their achievements in May ’18 and since returned to lobby for environmental causes.

Key Facts
: Ullapool, Highland
Project type: Kids Clearing Up Ullapool
Bags of Help Funding: £12,000
Grantee: Ullapool Parent Primary School Council

View the printable pdf  Ullapool Primary Parent Council

See all Tesco Bags of Help Case Studies

Up to £2000 is available from Tesco Bags of Help to support a wide range of projects that benefit your local community. Tesco Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork working with greenspace scotland to support applicants and successful projects in Scotland. 
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