Our parks make our lives better. Let’s help keep them this way.  

Parks4Life is Scotland’s first ever fund for parks and greenspacesRun by greenspace scotland, it aims to raise £1million this year to help support Scotland’s parks.  

Each year Scots make over 162 million visits to parks and greenspaces. Greenspaces are our natural health service, our children’s outdoor classrooms and our towns’ and cities’ green lungs. They bring benefits for our communities, health and wellbeing, children and young people, education, economy and the environment. But not everyone enjoys easy access to quality greenspace; across Scotland parks are feeling the pinch 

Parks need your help to care for them. With your support, we can help our communities bring their parks to life and make the best of our parks for everyone to enjoy now and in the future.  

Parks4Lifetoday, tomorrow and forever