• If you are new to the dashboard, please read the information below - there are a range of pre-set filters for introductory users.
  • If you are a more advanced user, you can use our ParkPower Dashboard which includes all the data filters.


The ParkPower Dashboard allows users to view and filter approximately 3,500 greenspace sites across Scotland according to their potential suitability for a range of green energy generation technologies.  The sites presented on the dashboard are a subset of all greenspaces in the Ordnance Survey Open Greenspace dataset.  We have filtered sites categorised as ‘Public parks and gardens’, ‘Playing fields’ and ‘Other sports’.  We have excluded other categories such as ‘Golf courses’ and ‘Cemeteries’.  The majority of sites are likely to be owned and/or managed by public sector bodies as 'public assets'.

If you have a limited understanding of renewable energy technologies and their application please read our ParkPower Technology Guide which provides an overview of all the key technologies we considered.  The Carbon Trust also provide a generic Introductory Guide.  Background information describing the data behind the dashboard is available in our Data Guide document. A full list of all site attributes is provided in our Site Attributes document.  A comprehensive description of how the data has been compiled is available in our Methodology report.

For first-time or novice users...

A dashboard is an online, interactive tool that presents one or more datasets in a visual form enabling users to explore the data in flexible ways using a range of tools.  To open a dashboard in your web browser we suggest selecting one of the pre-configured filters from the list below based on your theme or technology of interest.  When the dashboard opens:

1. Select your council area of choice at the top of the map OR use the map tools to zoom to a specific location.
2. Click on the site selection tool (top left corner of map) and then click on a site of interest - information about that site should appear in the right hand pane of the screen.

We strongly recommend first-time users review our video introduction guide which covers the key functionality of the dashboard.

Pre-configured filters

The dashboard allows you to locate sites across Scotland suited to a range of green energy technologies using a series of filters:

Heat related filters:

  1. Sites suited to heating solutions with Ground Source Heat Pumps
  2. Sites suited to heating solutions with Water Source Heat Pumps
  3. Sites suited to heating solutions with Air Source Heat Pumps
  4. Sites suited to heating solutions with biomass
  5. Sites suited to ground-mounted solar thermal
  6. Sites suited to roof-mounted solar thermal
  7. Sites suited to gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems
  8. Sites suited to local district heat networks
  9. Sites with the highest internal heat demand and therefore most suited to site-specific low carbon heat solutions
  10. Sites with the highest proximal heat demand and therefore most suited to larger scale low carbon heat solutions to service areas outwith greenspace
  11. Sites suited to low carbon heat solutions due to high heating costs as a result of higher heat demand and being off the gas grid (completely or partially)

Electricity related filters:

  1. Sites suited to ground-mounted solar PV
  2. Sites suited to roof-mounted solar PV
  3. Sites suited to hydro power
  4. Sites suited to wind power
  5. Sites with the highest internal electricity consumption
  6. Sites with the highest proximal electricity consumption

Other filters:

  1. Sites suited to residential Electric Vehicle (EV) charging
  2. Sites that are larger and relatively remote and therefore likely to need EV charging solutions to support their car-based visitors
  3. Sites completely off the mains gas grid
  4. Sites partially off the mains gas grid
  5. Sites classified as 'urban' or 'urban fringe'
  6. Sites classified as 'small town' or 'rural'
  7. Sites that are largest in terms of their area
  8. Sites that have large areas of 'available land' for potential development
  9. Sites with access to freshwater nearby

Data Support

Read our Data Guide which explains the filters.

You can request a copy of the GIS (shape) file of greenspace sites by emailing [email protected]
This offers complete flexibility for further analysis, for example for a specific locality.  Additional local datasets can then be included. We reserve the right to decide who this is made available to.  We are unable to warrant the accuracy of the data. Details of the attributes of the GIS file of greenspaces are available to download.