What we do Services Strategies, plans and outcomes Audits, strategies and plans greenspace scotland has extensive experience of working with community groups, local authorities and public bodies on audits, strategies and plans. This includes work with local councils on greenspace mapping, developing standards for greenspace and assessing quality, creating climate change parks and urban greening plans. Working with third sector and community groups, we've supported the development of action plans for greenspace improvements, community growing and climate resilient greenspaces. We recently worked with the Central Scotland Green Network Trust to facilitate stakeholder engagement events to develop logic models and work plans for the greenspace and green infrastructure work streams, and previously on engagement strategies and work to develop the CSGN vision. Current contracts include work with: NHS Lothian and the Edinburgh & Lothians Health Foundation to develop a strategic framework for greenspace and health Local authorities on the development of Local Food Growing Strategies and stakeholder engagement workshops Outcomes planning and evaluation greenspace scotland has considerable experience and skills in the planning and evaluation of greenspace work with relation to outcomes. Using an outcomes focus has a number of advantages: it allows you to clearly link to local and national priorities when planning and/or evaluating your work it can develop more effective ways of working which maximise the potential for delivering local and national priority outcomes it strengthens the case for greenspace based on its contribution to health, the economy, climate change etc. We have developed a number of outcomes-focused planning and evaluation tools which will help you. These include: LEAP (Learning Evaluation and Planning), Social Return on Investment (SROI), outcomes frameworks and logic modelling. We can also provide consultancy services and training to help you to: plan your greenspace projects and programmes to deliver priority outcomes evaluate the success of your greenspace projects and programmes make an outcomes-based case for greenspace action and/or investment Manage Cookie Preferences