9 - We’d like to look after or create woodland… Community Woodland Association This is the representative body of Scotland's community woodland groups, of which there are about 200. Map of members. Online Information Sheets, Funding information and Development Officer contacts. Woodland Trust Scotland Free trees available for schools and communities. The Woodland Trust Scotland is a charity whose aim is to restore and extend native woodland and trees. It manages and owns about 60 woodlands in Scotland that are free to visit. Forestry and Land Scotland Forestry and Land Scotland is the Scottish Government agency responsible for managing our national forests and land.* Look at the land management plan for your local forest, and comment on plans in development* Information, contacts and guidance on how communities and individuals can get involved * Permissions and permits to run events or undertake certain events in the national forest Funding The Community Woodland Association have online information on funding and through their membership keep up to date with the sources of funds that community groups are managing to raise. Scottish Forestry manages the Scottish Government's national Forestry Grant Scheme to support the creation of new woodland and the sustainable management of existing woodland.Check out greenspace scotland's Funding web pages to keep up-to-date with the latest funding news Return to Your Community Greenspace main menu Manage Cookie Preferences