News and events News NatureScot add to campaigns encouraging careers in nature and greenspace NatureScot have just launched a series of videos about nature-based jobs, adding to the growing campaigns to encourage people to take up roles working for nature and greenspace.NatureScot introduce stories from people early in their careers on their website, and have also put together a collection of short videos on YouTube.The collections add to a growing body of campaigns raising the profile of careers in work on nature and greenspace both urban and rural, and the sheer range of roles available. This includes resources offered by the likes of skills organisation LANTRA, the Chartered Institute for Horticulture, new Scottish career pathways offered by SRUC and Borders College that we featured earlier this year, Trellis Scotland, and the Landscape Institute. greenspace scotland will also be facilitating a discussion on addressing careers, skills and workforce development at the next Park Managers Forum on 5 December 2023 in Glasgow. Manage Cookie Preferences