News and events News Green Heat in Greenspaces – ESRI case study greenspace scotland’s work on Green Heat in Greenspaces is featured by ESRI in Climate Change: Building a sustainable future using GIS. The article asks: ‘Where can we locate low carbon heat systems in urban areas? Given that heating buildings accounts for more than 50% of all energy consumed in the UK, the decarbonisation of heat is a top priority for the UK and Scottish Government. Research conducted by greenspace scotland using spatial analysis in ArcGIS has revealed new opportunities for low carbon heat solutions to meet up to 79% of Scotland’s urban heat demand. “ArcGIS tools have enabled us to analyse large volumes of energy-related data down to building level to address a key geographic problem around low carbon heat supply. The work has strengthened our national evidence base and raised awareness of the huge potential of urban open spaces to support low carbon heating across urban Scotland.” Read the full article | Find more ESRI Climate Change Stories Check out ESRI Climate Change: Building a sustainable future using GIS Find out more about ParkPower and explore the energy potential of your park ParkPower Public sector organisations can also view the more detailed data from the Green Heat in Greenspaces project which covers all urban greenspaces and rivers Green Heat in Greenspaces (GHiGs) Manage Cookie Preferences