Pupils at Morgan Academy used their Seedcorn grant to create a garden from an area of waste ground to the rear of the school, building benches, planter boxes, bird houses and feeders.

Using their gardening skills, the group reached out to help the wider community with gardening and tidying up an overgrown area near the bowling club.

Growing vegetables stimulated discussions about food miles and wider sustainability and environmental issues, leading to a community and school litter awareness project. All the pupils involved gained John Muir Discovery Awards.

More Young Placechangers case studies

greenspace scotland engages and empowers young people through the Young Placechangers programme.

Young Placechangers puts young people in the lead role – bringing together the wider community to look at local spaces and plan improvements. The Young Placechangers programme has used a co-production approach to develop and pilot a training and support programme enabling young people to transform both the place they live, their relationship to it and the wider community.

Young Placechangers