News and events News 'It's for Them' reducing amenity mowing to save wildlife 'It's for Them' information templates have been created for local councils to use to help get the message out to the public that reduced mowing on road verges and amenity grasslands will create a better habitat for 'Them': invertebrates, birds, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles. Meadows are also good for people as we know connecting with wildlife benefits our health and mental wellbeing, making us feel calmer, happier and more focused. The Welsh Government templates signpost readers to MonLife’s Nature Isn’t Neat approach to managing Monmouthshire County Council grasslands which includes gathering views on the project in an online survey; volunteering with a simple citizen science scheme to track pollinators; a code of practice and training videos. Powys Council have used these templates to promote their road verge diversity practices including designating over 100 Road Verge Nature Reserves which have been identified as having particular value to biodiversity. These verges are managed in a specific way, informed by the three Wildlife Trusts in Powys, with the aim of conserving and enhancing the species of interest. Powys council state that they are continuing to alter their verge management following Plantlife's Good Verge Guide. This includes applying for a Welsh Government Local Places for Nature grant which has allowed them to purchase appropriate machinery to start using cut and collect management on some of the grassland verges. Many rare and threatened plant species can be found in the verges, these provide food for pollinators and other insects, which in turn provide food for birds and other animals. Not all road verges are meadow habitats, some support important woodland, hedgerow, and heathland habitats. Road verges also help to improve people's wellbeing, allowing people to connect with nature during their daily commute. Find out more about improving biodiversity in your greenspace Manage Cookie Preferences