The first Park Managers Forum of 2024 saw participants bring and discuss their preferred topics on the day using the 'Lean Coffee' approach to group meetings:

1. Open Space Strategies – development and implementation / Play Sufficiency Assessments 

2. Reduced grass cutting frequencies - collection and disposal of arisings

3. Nature restoration and biodiversity more widely 

4. Play Park funding, including making best use of Scottish Government capital funding and how to increase recurring budgets

5. Introducing and maintaining natural play features – advantages and challenges

6. Community-led maintenance


Setting the scene slides - Ian Robertson, greenspace scotland - including news about new greenspace scotland Chief Executive, selected current developments in Scotland and from the House of Commons Inquiry into Urban Greenspace.

News from PMF members - Highland Council Play Strategy - link downloads the PDF: 

about 'Lean Coffee' as a way of doing group discussions, including background: - instructions by the originators very helpful though only deals with real world use not online versions - instructions, a useful commentary by a user, and further links on how to do it