Due to demand after the highly successful real world Park Managers Forum 'plus' guests at Lyne Burn on 30 April, this PMF also invited a wider group of people from outwith local authorities. 

The agenda included some follow up by SEPA from the joint Lyne Burn event and some other joining the dots of things that are 'green, blue, and community too'.

All links open in new windows.


Lorraine Tulloch, greenspace scotland - scene setting and news - Presentation

Yvonne Macleod, Paths for All -  ‘Paths for All, getting Scotland walking’. Presentation

Alice Neild, Everyone's Environment third sector partnership - 'Making environmental policy work for everyone: The Everyone's Environment programme and Scotland'. Presentation

Jenny Davies and Susan Dalziel, Scottish Environment Protection Agency - 'Water Environment Fund – Delivering For Scotland’ Presentation

Other resources discussed at this PMF:

Ian Findlay Path Fund - Paths for All

The Ian Findlay Path Fund supports the improvement of path networks to increase walking, wheeling and cycling in local communities.


Ian Findlay Fund online map of existing project sites

Indicates assets already in existence and provides ideas and case studies.


Community Projects Transition Fund - Paths for All

Open to community and third sector organisations for projects that will deliver behaviour change away from single user car journeys towards walking, wheeling and cycling.


'Making environmental policy work for everyone'. Everyone's Environment partnership policy paper, 6 June 2024, adopted by 33 charities, with recommendations for all political parties on making policy fairer:


Link for wider resources in Everyone's Environment, a collaboration of over 60 social and environmental charities to accelerate action on the social impacts of the environmental crises, including greenspace scotland:


'A Desk Review of Social Prescribing: from origins to opportunities' Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2021. A useful primer on social prescribing, including health and wellbeing in greenspace. Suitable for a wide audience. Very good overview diagram of different kinds of social prescribing on page 20: 
